Ginger Gerald - you lucky barstard!

That's a wrap folks!

Ged Season 3 Episode 11

A bit of a sad episode this one as your host has some news to share with you all...... But an insightful look, nonetheless, into why old Ginger decided to launch a podcast in the first place. What went well and what went badly? What were the highs and lows? However did he come up with that logo and the pod music? All your pod questions answered in this 20 mins blast! 

Contact "Ginger Gerald you Lucky Barstard" with your feedback, ideas or anything you fancy...we are everywhere:
Instagram: gingergeraldyouluckybarstard
Twitter: #GGYLB1

• Ginger Gerald podcast is the most inspiring and insightful
• This particular episode is titled "That's a Wrap Folks," as it's the last one for a while
• The podcast is taking a break for an as-yet-undefined-length-of-time
• In this episode, the host reflects on the highlights and unexpected spin-off benefits of the podcast, as well as the dark side
• It discusses why the host decided to start a podcast, which was not for money or fame
• The target audience is people who are already living overseas or planning to, all of which can relate to the host's experiences
• Starting a podcast requires practicalities like a microphone and a PC, as well as content that appeals to the pre-identified audience
• The quality and relevance of the content is essential for a successful podcast
• The host prepared content, obsessing over yellow post-it notes with bullet points of stories and episodes to prepare
• Self-doubt inevitably creeps in during content preparation, which is natural.
• Use Buzzsprout, a great platform for starting a podcast
• Choosing the right name is crucial for a podcast, so involve friends and family for suggestions
• Design your own podcast artwork using free design software
• Find the perfect intro and outro music that is royalty-free to use
• Keep episode length at maximum 25 minutes to hold listener's attention
• First series themed around anecdotes and experiences of moving overseas to Mexico
• Obsession with listener stats can happen, but letting go of that and publishing when ready can still attract dedicated listeners
• Social media marketing is crucial to spreading the word about your podcast
• Editing episodes can be tedious, but leaving mistakes in adds authenticity
• After 29 episodes with around 100,000 words spoken, Ginger Gerald says goodbye (or "hasta la vista"), at least for now.